MERIT helps client achieve financial success. Our comprehensive service includes financial planning, investment management & financial advisory services. MERIT is an independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) & a Fiduciary, working solely in our clients' best interests. We offer clients a high level of service, low fees and great value.
Bachelor of Science - Finance
Boston College
08/15/1990 -05/15/1994
Master of Business Administration - Finance
The Wharton School - The University of Pennsylvania
08/15/2000 -08/15/2002 provides referrals to financial professionals. is not a current client of the advisor or advisory services. Financial professionals pay cash compensation for these referrals, which creates the incentive for to make these referrals, resulting in a conflict of interest.
Additional Detailed Disclosures
This information shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any interests in any strategy managed by Merit Investment Management or any of its affiliates. Such an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy interests may only be made pursuant to definitive investment documentation between an investment advisor and an investor. This information is for informational and educational purposes only and shall not be construed to constitute investment advice. This information should be considered only in conjunction with all available investment strategy information which should be considered as a whole in making any investment decision. Merit makes no representation or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information, text, graphics or other items contained in public disclosures. Merit expressly disclaims all liability for errors or omissions in, or the misuse or misinterpretation of, any information contained in any marketing materials. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Future returns are not guaranteed.