Glover Park Wealth Management, LLC was founded to build, grow and protect the assets of our clients. We provide wealth management and asset management services for individuals and institutions.
We are a registered investment advisory firm located in Arlington, VA.
B.S. Finance - Finance
University of Maryland
01/01/2006 -12/31/2008 provides referrals to financial professionals. is not a current client of advisor or advisory services. Financial professionals pay cash compensation for these referrals, which creates the incentive for to make these referrals to Glover Park Wealth Management, LLC.
Form ADV Part 2A-2B Disclosure
Additional Detailed Disclosures,-LLC-detailed-disclosure.html
Glover Park Wealth Management, LLC ("Glover Park") is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor ("RIA"), located in Arlington, Virginia. Glover Park conducts business in other states pursuant to regulatory exemption in these states. Glover Park will maintain all applicable registration and licenses as required by the various states in which Glover Park conducts business, as applicable. Glover Park renders individualized responses to persons in a particular state only after complying with all regulatory requirements, or pursuant to an applicable state exemption or exclusion.
Glover Park will provide all prospective clients with a copy of our current Form ADV, Part 2A ("Disclosure Brochure") and the Brochure Supplement for each advisory person supporting a particular client. You may obtain a copy of these disclosures on the SEC website at Form ADV Part 2A-2B Disclosure or you may contact us to request a free copy via PDF or hardcopy.