
Paladin Research Report For:

Geoffrey Hemenway

Hemenway Financial Services

45-621 Halekou Rd
Kaneohe, HI 96744

About Geoffrey Hemenway

Since 1986, Hemenway Associates, Inc. has provided a comprehensive offering of wealth management, tax, and accounting services to clients throughout Omaha, Nebraska and its surrounding cities. Our firm was founded by Joseph Hemenway with the desire to serve the extensive tax and accounting needs of both individuals and business owners.

While our team has grown and our services have expanded to include wealth management, our mission has remained the same and now offer both under the name of Hemenway Financial Services. We seek to provide accurate, useful information to our clients regarding their current financial situation, which will enable them to react to current business and personal needs while planning for future growth and requirements. Today, we offer in-depth services, from retirement and estate planning to bookkeeping and IRS representation.

In all that we do, we are dedicated to upholding our key principles:

Our team will always consist of talented professionals dedicated to providing quality services to our clients. We tailor our services to our clients individual needs. We communicate with our clients frequently to foster a better understanding of both the clients expectations and needs. We are here to help our clients implement solutions to their problems by providing the information, tools, and technology needed. We are proactive in informing our clients of changing regulations and tax laws, allowing them to best anticipate the effects these changes will have on their bottom line. We protect the confidentiality of our clients financial information.

See Disclosures

General Information

Firm Start Year
  • 1986
  • 6382170
Firm CRD#
  • 6413
Insurance License#
  • 18855141
Name of Broker/Dealer
  • LPL Financial
Name of Custodial Firm
  • LPL Financial
States Licensed in
  • AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, HI, IA, IL, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, NV, OK, TX, WA
Years of Experience in Financial Services
  • 9
Number of Years with Current Firm
  • 3
Work with the following types of clients
  • Businesses, Individual Investors
Advisory Services Provided
  • Education Funding and Planning, Financial Planning for Individuals, Tax Advice and Services, Risk Management, Financial Advice & Consulting, Investment Advice & Management, Insurance Products & Annuities, Financial Planning, Retirement Planning, 401K Rollovers, Wealth Management


Registered Investment Advisor
  • Yes
Registered Representative
  • Yes
Investment Advisor Representative
  • Yes
Acknowledged fiduciary
  • Yes
Compliance Disclosures in Last 5 years
  • I have a clean record
Criminal Disclosures in Last 5 years
  • I have a clean record

Qualifications & Membership

Securities Licenses
  • Series 65, Series 7, Series 63, Series 6
Insurance and Annuity Licenses
  • Variable Life, Long Term Care, Variable Annuity, Life, Health, Annuity

Firm Information

Firm's Number of Clients
  • 250
Firm's Number of Planning Clients
  • 60
Firm's Number of Managed Clients
  • 60
Assets Managed by Firm
  • 60
Advisor's Number of Clients
  • 250
Advisor's Number of Managed Clients
  • 75
Advisor's Number of Planning Clients
  • 75
Assets Managed by Advisor
  • $37,000,000

Compensation and Fees

Fee Structure
  • Fee-Based
Compensation Methods
  • Hourly, Based on Assets
Fee % Based on Assets
  • 1
Hourly Rate
  • $250
Additional Details on Charges
  • We use a tiered management fee that lowers the fee as the household account(s) size increase. This is a blended fee that begins at 1% up to $1,000,000 and decreases 0.1% for each million dollars over $1,000,000. At $5,000,000 in assets the fee is a flat 0.5%.
Minimum Fee Charged for Managed Accounts
  • none
Minimum Fee Charged for Hourly Planning Accounts
  • none

Disclosures provides referrals to financial professionals. is not a current client of advisor or advisory services. Financial professionals pay cash compensation for these referrals, which creates the incentive for to make these referrals, resulting in a conflict of interest.


Professionals associated with Hemenway Financial Services may be either (1) registered representatives with, and securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC, a registered investment advisor; or (2) solely tax professionals of Hemenway Associates, Inc., and not affiliated with LPL Financial. Tax/accounting/CPA related services offered through Hemenway Associates, Inc. DBA Hemenway Financial Services. Hemenway Associates, Inc. is a separate legal entity and not affiliated with LPL Financial. LPL Financial does not offer tax advice or Tax/accounting/CPA related services. * Please note that any references to FINRA and SIPC on a website must be a hyperlink to the respective websites. FINRA should link to and SIPC should link to