
Paladin Research Report For:

Adam Schwallier

Schwallier Wealth Management LLC

607 Cascade West Parkway SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

About Adam Schwallier

Schwallier Wealth Management LLC has been helping to improve clients' long-term financial success and change lives for over 15 years. We offer guidance in the form of financial planning, on-going investment advice and management, and insight on all things affecting life and finances. Our goal is that clients are better off for having met us, specifically, and we want to become an indispensable resource in helping clients attain financial peace.

After tiring of being a captive advisor to a broker-dealer and managing the inherent conflicts that serving two masters(employer and client) creates, Adam Schwallier formed this SEC-Registered Investment Advisory(RIA) firm.

Schwallier Wealth Management(SWM) was borne to serve clients directly without the trappings of a broker-dealer. As a fiduciary, SWM is required to always work in clients best interests and fully disclose any conflicts of interest.

As a fee-only firm, we work directly for clients and never accept any commission revenue that may create a conflict of interest.

Using this approach, the firm has grown well from a single advisor office to a multiple advisor team with a robust staff.

See Disclosures

General Information

Firm Start Year
  • 2007
No. of Employees
  • 2-4
  • 4431899
Firm CRD#
  • 143329
Name of Custodial Firm
  • LPL Financial
States Licensed in
  • MI, IN
Years of Experience in Financial Services
  • 21
Number of Years with Current Firm
  • 15
Work Experience
  • * President and IAR, Schwallier Wealth
    Management LLC (09/07-Present)
    * Financial Consultant, AG Edwards & Sons,
    Grand Rapids, MI (08/05-09/07)
    * Financial Advisor, Morgan Stanley, Grand
    Rapids, MI (04/01-08/05)
    * Actuarial Associate, Lincoln National Life
    Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, IN (5/97-04/01)
Work with the following types of clients
  • Businesses, Individual Investors, Non-Profit Organizations
Advisory Services Provided
  • Financial Planning for Businesses, Tax Advice and Services, Financial Planning for Individuals, Financial Advice & Consulting, Investment Advice & Management, Estate Planning & Trusts, Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Education Funding and Planning, Risk Management, Money Management, Wealth Management, 401K Rollovers, Retirement Planning


Registered Investment Advisor
  • Yes
Investment Advisor Representative
  • Yes
Acknowledged fiduciary
  • Yes
Compliance Disclosures in Last 5 years
  • I have a clean record
Criminal Disclosures in Last 5 years
  • I have a clean record

Qualifications & Membership

Certifications, Accreditations & Designations
  • CFP®
Securities Licenses
  • Series 66
Financial Organization Memberships
  • National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC), Financial Planning Association (FPA), National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA)
Non-Financial Organization Memberships
  • Knights of Columbus University of Michigan Club of Grand Rapids

Firm Information

Firm's Number of Clients
  • 278
Firm's Number of Planning Clients
  • 20
Firm's Number of Managed Clients
  • 258
Assets Managed by Firm
  • $137,835,572
Advisor's Number of Clients
  • 262
Advisor's Number of Managed Clients
  • 159
Advisor's Number of Planning Clients
  • 20
Assets Managed by Advisor
  • $137,835,572

Compensation and Fees

Fee Structure
  • Fee-Only
Minimum Portfolio Size for New Managed Accounts
  • $250,000
Compensation Methods
  • Based on Assets, Hourly
Fee % Based on Assets
  • .5-1.0%
Additional Details on Charges
  • Fee% based on asset level and risk tolerance.
Minimum Fee Charged for Managed Accounts
  • $0


Bachelor of Science - Math of Finance

University of Michigan
1991 - 1996

Disclosures provides referrals to financial professionals. is not a current client of advisor or advisory services. Financial professionals pay cash compensation for these referrals, which creates the incentive for to make these referrals, resulting in a conflict of interest.

Additional Detailed Disclosures


This is the space where a broker-affiliated advisor must disclose the broker-dealer relationship that they do some commission business through. Since we are fee-only, work directly for clients, and forego commissions, no disclaimer is needed.