Known as "Coach Pete" to his listeners and clients, Coach Pete and his firm are a committed
group of professional fiduciaries dedicated to providing superior investment advice to their high
networth clients. Coach Pete is also a SMARTVESTOR PRO with Dave Ramsey.
A fiduciary is any person or institution that has the power to act on behalf of another in
situations that require great trust, honesty, and loyalty.
His radio show, "The Financial Safari" first aired in 2005 and can be heard weekly on more than
50 stations nationwide. Other Shows founded and hosted by Coach Pete are AMERICA'S 401K SHOW,
ROCK ON RETIREMENT, and A+ RETIREMENT. All these shows are heard weekly throughout North
Carolina and much of the nation.
Also known as the King of Income Planning, Coach Pete's approach to systematic, lifetime income
planning is followed by many who wish to reduce retirement worries.
The firm provides personalized investment and income strategies as well as tax and estate
evaluation for all sizes of portfolios and estates.
Call today and see if this is the family atmosphere you've always wanted.
BS -
UNC-Chapel Hill
1984 -1988
BA - Political Science/ Economics
UNC Chapel Hill
1984 -1988 provides referrals to financial professionals. is not a current client of advisor or advisory services. Financial professionals pay cash compensation for these referrals, which creates the incentive for to make these referrals, resulting in a conflict of interest.
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Investment Advisory services offered through Capital Financial Advisory Group, LLC. Capital Financial Advisory Group, LLC provides general information on this website, not individually targeted personalized advice. Information and advice provided here is not an offer to buy or sell securities. Before commencing an investment program we recommend you seek independent professional legal, tax and investment advice as to whether it is suitable for your particular needs and circumstances. Failure to seek detailed professional, personally tailored advice prior to acting could lead to you acting contrary to your own best interests and could lead to losses of capital. Nothing contained herein should be construed as a warranty of investment results. All information provided or contained in this portion of the Web site is the property of Capital Financial Advisory Group, LLC, and should not be reproduced, copied, redistributed, transferred, or sold without the prior written consent of Capital Financial Advisory Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Before deciding on an annuity, you should consider your income needs, risk tolerance and investment objectives. Fixed Insurance and Annuity product guarantees are subject to the claimspaying ability of the issuing company.