CFSA®Certified Financial Services Auditor
- Credentials (Letters): CFSA
- Credentials (Full Name): Certified Financial Services Auditor
- Type of Knowledge: Auditing
- Sponsor for Credential: Institute of Internal Auditors
- Sponsor/Credential Website: https://na.theiia.org/Pages/IIAHome.aspx
Program Information
- Prerequisites: Associate's degree along with 60 months of auditing experience or similar combination of education and work experience.
- Curriculum: Banking, insurance and securities
- Type of Study: Self Study - Online
- Estimated Completion Time: Varies based on education
- Examination Requirements: Multiple choice questions in each of the 3 disiplines - 2 1/2 hr of testing each.
- Continuing Education Requirements: Varies based on other certifications
Investor Functions
- Advisor Look-Up: https://global.theiia.org/Pages/institutes.aspx
- Investor Education: None
- Telephone: 407-937-1111
- Email: CustomerRelations@theiia.org
- Additional Comments: As of December 31, 2018 this certification is no longer offered. Those already with this certification will remain credited and still receive continued education. Disclaimer: Since the time of this update, certification information may have been updated without our knowledge.