CFF®Certified Financial Fiduciary

- Credentials (Letters): CFF
- Credentials (Full Name): Certified Financial Fiduciary
- Type of Knowledge: Financial Planning, Financial Services
- Sponsor for Credential: National Association of Certified Financial Fiduciaries
- Sponsor/Credential Website: http://www.nationalcffassociation.org/
Program Information
- Prerequisites: ossess a professional financial certification/designation or Professional financial license (securities, insurance, accounting, etc.), or A combination of education and experience deemed satisfactory by the NACFF Advisory Council Must pass full background check and be in good standing with all state and federal license requirements Allow NACFF to audit/review their business office (via survey) for best practices and compliance. Exemplify highest standards of morals, ethics, and fiduciary standards of service Must swear to uphold the CFF code of conduct
- Curriculum: 1 day in person training, or online course
- Type of Study: Classroom, or online coursework
- Estimated Completion Time: Either one day, at the in-person training, or self-paced using the online course
- Examination Requirements: Pass 100 question exam scoring 75% or better
- Continuing Education Requirements: 10 hours per year
Investor Functions
- Advisor Look-Up: http://nationalcffassociation.org/cff-directory
- Investor Education: None
- Telephone: 7045765919
- Email: info@nationalCFFassociation.org
- Additional Comments: Disclaimer: Since the time of this update, certification information may have been updated without our knowledge.