CFEICertified Financial Education Instructor

- Credentials (Letters): CFEI
- Credentials (Full Name): Certified Financial Education Instructor
- Type of Knowledge: Financial education
- Sponsor for Credential: National Financial Educators Council (NFEC)
- Sponsor/Credential Website: https://www.financialeducatorscouncil.org/
Program Information
- Prerequisites: Twelve hours of NFEC-administered coursework (online or in person); an additional eight hours may be required for those lacking financial experience. Completion of workbook, assigned activities and best-practices manual.
- Curriculum: One course
- Type of Study: Online series of courses
- Estimated Completion Time: 10-12 hours
- Examination Requirements: Online final exam
- Continuing Education Requirements: DND
Investor Functions
- Advisor Look-Up: None
- Investor Education: Yes
- Telephone: 775-549-0213
- Email: DND
- Additional Comments: Disclaimer: Since the time of this update, certification information may have been updated without our knowledge.